Game Description

Welcome to "bevy_cartel," a thrilling card-based strategy game where you take on the role of a ruthless cartel boss. In a world filled with cutthroat competition and ever-present dangers, your mission is to expand your empire, outmaneuver rivals, and outwit law enforcement.

Game Ruleset


Become the most powerful cartel by accumulating wealth.


Each player starts with a deck of cards representing resources, logistics, production facilities, and interactions.

Players draw 5 cards to form their initial hand.

Phases of the Game:

Preparation Phase:

Draw 5 cards from your deck to your hand.

Set up initial resources and check current objectives.

Action Phase:

Players take turns performing actions using their cards. Actions include:

Production: Use production cards to generate resources.

Logistics: Deploy logistics cards to transport goods from production sites to markets.

Sales: Use sales cards to exchange resources for money.

Interactions: Play interaction cards to attack rivals, form alliances, or bribe law enforcement.

Players may play as many cards as they wish during their turn, but resources and money must be carefully managed.

Event Phase:

Draw event cards that introduce random elements, such as natural disasters or market shifts.

End Phase:

Players discard any remaining cards and draw new ones to have 5 cards in hand.

Win Conditions:

Wealth Victory: Be the first to accumulate a specified amount of money.

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