
youtube presentation

Watchtower Defence integrates aspects of the classic strategy games Go, Droughts, and Tower Defense. Players compete to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Use go stones to capture territory on the board
  2. Capture the opponent's drought pieces
  3. Destroy the opponent's central watchtower

The drought pieces move in any direction, capturing enemy droughts rather than removing them from the board. Droughts can be "nuked," eliminating all pieces in adjacent squares. The game concludes when a player successfully destroys the opponent's watchtower.

Drought pieces cannot traverse lines formed by the opponent's go stones or enter territory surrounded by the enemy. A drought is captured if it is fully enclosed by the opponent's stones.

As there is currently no AI component, Watchtower Defence is best played cooperatively against a Matey. The fusion of classic abstract strategy mechanics offers a novel and enriched gameplay experience.


linux-x86_64.tar.gz 16 MB
Download 14 MB


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Oh man everything was sooo tiny!

Yup that's a tiny game. A tiny screenspace gets nintendo advance vibes tbh